Why Are Salary Sacrifice Technology Benefits So Popular?

Why are salary sacrifice Technology Benefits so popular?

You may find yourself asking the question, why are salary sacrifice technology benefits so popular (and in turn how will they help our organisation)?

To show the advantages of technology benefit schemes, our team at Let’s Connect surveyed thousands of employees who took part in our client’s schemes and we’ve highlighted some of the interesting stats for you.

Have a look to see how employees value technology over any other benefit, and how that can benefit your organisation…

Engage, Reward, Attract & Retain

If you would like more information on running a Let’s Connect employee scheme for your organisation, click to watch our short video above. We can provide a compelling Business Case document to help you get management approval, simply complete the enquiry form below or call one of our Employee Benefit Consultants on 0330 2000 231 – we will be only too happy to help.

Talk to us about running a Technology Benefit

Complete the form below to find out how technology benefits can improve your employee value proposition. We’ll also send you our Technology Benefits HRD Overview brochure and a comprehensive ‘done for you’ business case document.